Welcome everyone to our first addition of Viva Scoop in 2022. If I haven't seen or spoken to you since early January, then I hope 2022 is already lining up to be a wonderful year for you and your family.
As a reminder, Viva Scoop is a monthly update on everything Vivacity Technologies, including a few industry or technology highlights. To kick things off, I hope you like the new Vivacity logo. The redesign occurred over the holiday period and we're delighted with the way it turned out. A massive thank you to Daniela Mastropierro for all the hard work
We have some exciting updates from the last few weeks, so without further delay, herewith January's update.
New capital - lets go shopping!
Raising capital for a new venture is no easy task, so we're very grateful for those that believed in the Vivacity 'plan' during our friends and family round.
Now that we've had some traction with our clients including the City of Kamloops, Community Futures, Redline Communications🙏, we decided to look at larger funding to support our growth. With this in mind, we're proud to announce that the BDC has added their support and capital behind Vivacity. A big thank you to the team at the BDC for making this happen. With this new capital we plan to accelerate the launch of several IT products, while expanding the Viva team.
Projects complete
In January we had the pleasure of wrapping up some of our IT assessments and gap analysis projects. This included an IT gap analysis for Community Futures Thompson Country and an Azure cloud assessment for Fern Software. These great organizations needed support and guidance on their IT environment, and we were able to provide thorough analysis and roadmap for future growth. A big thank you to Brian Eshpeter and the team at IX Solutions for providing support with these projects, respectively.
New project kickoff - TRU
Our relationship with Thompson Rivers University (TRU) went to a whole new level in January 2022. Not only did I start teaching in the Entrepreneurship course (Small Business Finance), but we've started a new consultancy project for TRU. With our partner New Quest Coaching and Consulting, we'll be supporting several of the SoBE University committees on their Strategic Plan 2021-2025. We're looking forward to the evolution of this consultancy project, and luckily the teaching is also going well. Or at least that's what I've been told. Go Wolfpack!
Everyone wants to be an entrepreneur
I recently saw this article on WIRED and used it as a discussion piece for my TRU students. We had a great dialogue about the 'Great Resignation', the affects of the COVID pandemic, and whether the increase in startups will lead to more (absolute) failures, or perhaps new ecosystems of smaller companies.
With the number of startups rising 23% y-o-y in the US, its awesome to see so many individuals taking a leap of faith and starting something fresh. It looks like I may also be part of this global stat😀.
This month we're highlighting just one thing that we need help with. Its a simple ask, but hugely powerful.
Spread the word on what we do and who we are. Its simple, but massively beneficial for Vivacity.
Thank you so much for tuning in and don't hesitate to reach out to the Viva team with any questions.
Vivacity Technologies Ltd., Fraser St., Kamloops, British Columbia